Archive for March 20th, 2009

Read it and weep.

Little Girl @ SBG

This concept is actually adapted from someone else’s blog- I found it interesting (gifford, O’ gifford- seriously? Enough with ‘Interesting’ already, that’s only when you’re lazy to find something more apt to describe what you really think). But on with what this post is really about… Everything, anything, and perhaps, left to your own discretion- nothing at all.



…and here it goes.




Music. Brook Fraser. Acoustic guitar. Jazz. CHC. Drama Production. Photography. Theatre work. Deviant Art. Singing. Envoys. Writing a new song. Laselle.  Grades. CMA. Photo Exhibition. Party. Ralph Lauren. Matching Tie. Watch. Belt. Bright red ipod shuffle. Nike Running Armband. Running. Running Shoes. Books. Gym. Rainy days. Cheesecake. Teh Peng. Gourmet coffee. Ginger beer/ale. Xenia. Ben & Jerry’s. Facebook. Travelling. Rome.Meatballs.Colourful windmills. Vespa. Yearnings. Holga. Film. Sleep. Staring into space. Macbook. Razor Mouse. Left 4 Dead. Cell Group. Pasta. Poems. Evil monkey. Banana Phone. Justice. Faithfulness. Disicpline. Paint brush. Ikea.  Pubs. Blank canvas. How I Met Your Mother. Mom. The Time Traveller’s Wife. Backpack. Waterbottle. Worship. Lifestyle. Lionel. That CD shop. Polaroid. Record players. LDs. Flip Flops. Muscles. Lean mean killing machine.Huh? Delirious? Leadership. Ministry. Alien abductions. Clinging to the cross. Beach. Vision. Movies. Brother’s wedding. Zane. Touch Rugby. Clear blue skies. Indie. Final year. Shirts. Church. Sleep.Love.Writing a new song. Borders. Art. G12 Conference. Maestro. Redemption. Crumpler. Sarcasm. Rooftop party. Chill Pills. Healing. Community. Synergy. Time Capsule. Supernatural. Holland Village. Drinks. Hearty breakfast. Character. Photography. Questions. Chomp Chomp. Hope. End of this line. Spinning around on a chair. Results slip. Picnic. Thrill. Paper Shredder. Ice cream cheesecake. Controlled Chaos. Stockholm Syndrome. Radio. Sketching. Paper planes. Cranes. Revelations. Solitude.




There you go.
Whatever came to mind the past 20 minutes or so, this is it- in absolutlely no intended form(except words) and order. 





Thus endeth this…entry?